Friday, 19 July 2019


Keep Akwapoly Clean awareness campaign is a set of messages in form of billboard containing photographs, lettering or follow-ups that is being sent out to the entire Polytechnic Community. Cleaning of an environment is a key activity in many societies for centuries. The need to maintain a clean environment is as old as human existence and it is visible in biblical times (i.e. BC and AD) where the Israelites were taught how to dispose body of waste. There is also a common saying: “cleanliness is next to godliness”.
Cleaning is the process of removing unwanted substances, such as dirt, infectious agents, and other impurities, from an object or environment. Cleaning occurs in many different contexts, and uses many different methods. Several occupations are devoted to cleaning. Therefore, societies have adopted various ways of keeping their environments clean despite the fact that economic activities of humanity have been countering these efforts due to their increased sophistication.
In line with cleanliness, waste disposal is the process of collecting, transporting, processing or removal, managing and monitoring of waste materials. This term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics.
The problem of Keeping the environment clean, waste management and disposal becomes increasingly pressing as human population, industrial activity and material consumption expand. To most Nigerian Institutions which Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic is not exceptional, the collection and disposal of public wastes, overgrown grasses, unkempt gutter, untidy class rooms etc.  posed the most visible and costly solid waste management problem. Defecation and indiscriminate urination however, dwarf the institution wastes in magnitude particularly toxic and hazardous wastes present a severe danger to the environment.

It is clear that Cleanliness, waste disposal be it sewage or refuse practices differ between developed and developing nations, urban and rural areas, and between residential and industrial waste producers. Some scholars argues that management for non-hazardous waste from residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local government authorities.
The need for environmentally acceptable yet cost effective waste disposal and to keep Akwapoly Clean is becoming a priority in the Institution. This is because increasing population of students and other occupants have resulted in growing waste generation, placing pressure on the environment. There is also an increasing awareness of environmental issues and a desire for a clean environment on the part of the public. Awareness is often achieved through education, training or life experience and the goal of awareness is to change cultural sensitivity on environmental hazards.

This campaign has added to the already existing body of knowledge in the area of cleanliness and waste disposal. It is also expected to change the wrong attitude that the Polytechnic Students have towards waste disposal and cleanliness. This has a direct influence on the health of the students and staff. Additionally, the just launch awareness is vitally important as it can initiate the formulation of education programmes on cleanliness and waste management in order to avoid the risks of epidemics.
Again, this Clean Awareness Campaign was launched to educate students, teaching, non-teaching staff including business dealers of the Polytechnic because they are the most important resource of any nation. Thus, the health, happiness and well being of every person concern not only the person himself, but his community as well. Furthermore, Environmentalists and other stakeholders including the management of the Polytechnic may use this knowledge for the establishment of a permanent solution to the problem of illiteracy on waste management as well as environmental Sanitation.  
Finally, the campaign has investigated the attitudes of students of the Polytechnic on Keep Akwapoly Clean to be of acceptance and to come up with modes provided by all stakeholders on how to keep the Polytechnic Community clean.

A campaign has specific elements. Therefore, the elements of ‘Keep Akwapoly Clean campaign includes: dialogue, research, group discussions, participatory approach, mass mobilization and the factors for a successful campaign could be popular education, training of executors, language-thinking, generative words and structure.
The essence of dialogue itself is the word. The word is more than just an instrument which makes dialogue possible. Within the word itself, one finds two dimensions and these are reflection and action. These two terms work hand in hand in the sense that when one is affected the other also immediately suffers. Thus, speaking a true word is one way of transforming the world, a country or communities.
Dialogue which requires critical thinking is capable of generating critical thinking. Thus without dialogue there is no communication and without communication there can be no true education. This is the education which is able to resolve the  differences which can exist between the organizers of the awareness campaigns and the communities. The processes of awareness campaigns are linked to development of dialogue through the use of images and generative words. The images could mostly be photographs which should be drawn from the most contaminated communities in the country and also the daily realities of people from these communities. The images could easily be  recognized and used to stimulate an initial dialogue.
Scholars argue that in research it is imperative to consider the citizen as a particularly well-aware observer of his or her community. Citizenship or participative research which involves both adults and children in technical investigations advocates that the major stakeholders need to consider the citizen data as additional information for logical research.
 Thus, this research is anticipated to produce reliable and valuable methodical data that can be used by both the major stakeholders and local communities. Thus, in endeavours like the Keep Akwapoly Clean Awareness Campaign, the implementers need to carry out a needs assessment exercise in order to get an opinion on the felt needs of the residents.
Group discussion
This is seen as a critical conversation about a particular topic, or perhaps a range of topics, conducted in a small group that allows participation by all members. A group of two or three generally does not need a leader to have a good discussion, but once the number reaches five or six, a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. When the group number reaches eight or more, a leader or facilitator, whether formal or informal, is almost always helpful in ensuring an effective discussion.
A group discussion gives everyone involved a voice. Whether the discussion is meant to form a basis for action, or just to play with ideas, it gives all members of the group a chance to speak their opinions, to agree or disagree with others, and to have their thoughts heard. In many community-building situations, the members of the group might be chosen specifically because they represent a cross-section of the community, ora diversity of points of view.
A group discussion allows for a variety of ideas to be expressed and discussed. A group is much more likely to come to a good conclusion if a mix of ideas is on the table, and if all members have the opportunity to think about and respond to them. A group discussion is generally a democratic, egalitarian process. It reflects the ideals of most grassroots and community groups, and encourages a diversity of views.
Participatory approach
The participatory approach is very important for sustainability of any project and this can lead to sustainable development in communities. Sustainability means oneness of communities, culture and societal assets to ensure continuity and security of people’s livelihood and well-being as for future generations. People’s participation should be a self-initiated and sustained mode of social organization and co-operation adopted by a social group in the process of satisfying human need of personal, community and environmental dimensions. However, to bring about popular participation there should be voluntarism in all stages of development, self initiative and endogenous. There should also be education and facilitation of critical awareness, organization and movement. These attributes must empower people and give them self respect and must also recognize that sovereignty resides with them and this will help the students to have ownership of any initiative that aims at bringing development like the Keep Akwapoly Clean Awareness Campaign.
Mass mobilization
This is defined as a process that engages and motivates a wide range of partners and allies at national and local levels to raise awareness of and demand for a particular development objective through face-to-face dialogue. Members of institutions, community networks, civic and religious groups and others work in a coordinated way to reach specific groups  of people for dialogue with planned messages. In other words, social mobilization seeks to facilitate change through a range of players engaged in interrelated and complementary efforts. In the awareness campaigns, it is important to have a clear organization structure which has a facilitator to spearhead the project. The facilitator needs also to have a team to help him/her in the mobilization process. The team would also assist in group discussions as a way of formulating dialogue with the community. It is during this period that generation theme are posed, problem solving for critical thinking created and also the planning should be done collectively with the communities. The Keep Akwapoly  Clean Awareness Campaign was one of those campaigns that require a high level of mobilization of human and other resources.
Popular education
Popular education is carried out within a political vision that sees women and men at the community and grassroots level as the primary agents for social change. In trying to keep the environment clean, the Keep Akwapoly Clean Awareness Campaign was a popular means of getting messages across to the masses.
The popular education process begins with critically reflecting on sharing, and articulating with a group or community what is known from lived experience. The participants define their own struggles. They critically examine and learn from the lessons of past struggles and from concrete everyday situations in the present. The process continues with analysis and critical reflection upon reality aimed at enabling people to discover solutions to their own problems and set in motion concrete actions for the transformation of that reality.
        Finally, popular education is a collective effort in which ahigh degree of participation is expected from everybody. Awareness Campaign organizers and the participants are not two distinct groups; rather, everyone teaches and everyone learns. The participants should be able to make decisions about what they are learning concerning their environment, and how the learning process takes place.
Training of executors
The teacher training component is vital in all the campaigns. This is another aspect that this campaign has considered. It allows for modifications, it brings teachers together and gives an importance and validity to people and literacy awareness which would have been very difficult to achieve. Some outsiders do often assume that the intrinsic importance of a programme such as this or literacy awareness is obvious and therefore such a programme will be given its due significance in the classroom. It is this false expectation that leads to limited effectiveness in many campaigns. Keep Akwapoly Clean or any other awareness campaign may be very necessary to the populace but often it is not prioritized by those who need it most.
Involves the use of language, which is a system of communication composed of symbols and a set of rules permitting various combinations of symbols. The most significant symbols in language is the concept. A concept is an abstraction representing an object, a property of an object, or a certain phenomenon. Through language we can connect with other people and make sense of our experiences.
Generative words
Generative words are central to the development of a truly problem posing education. The object of knowledge is to be understood through dialogue between those organizing the awareness campaigns and the communities in order to bring about change of attitude in waste management in their environment.  This, in turn, requires a word that
problematizes reality.
The most common approach to designing a new campaign structure is almost certainly to start by naming responsible groups on the basis of the products and services at hand or being offered, and let that drive the organization of campaigns. It is important for organizers to employ the grouping tactics; they will be able to see that grouping keywords in any awareness campaign is just as easy as grouping shapes, animals, and foods. They should think topically when deciding how to build their campaigns and responsible groups.
The flexibility of this structure was designed to allow the organizers to gather keywords into logical groups organized around common theme “Keep Akwapoly Clean and the concept which makes sense for this campaign.

Akwapoly: An acronym for Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua as a serene citadel of learning.
Campaign: A series of actions intended to achieve a particular result relating to environment, social improvement or to lead or to take part in a series of actions intended to achieve a particular social result.
Cleaning: This is a process of removing unwanted substances, such as dirt, infectious agents, and other impurities, from an environment.
Disposal: Final placement or riddance of wastes, excess, scraps under proper process and authority with no intention to retrieve. Disposal may be accomplished by abandonment, destruction, incineration, internment, recycling etc.
Environment: The natural features of a place, for example its weather, type of land it has and the type of plants that grow on it or the air, water, and land on Earth, which can be harmed by man’s activities.

Some persons throw the rubbish into the school gutter and bushes surrounding the polytechnic they may not discern that once the disease breaks out it would also affect them. It is not only the diseases that the polytechnic community should be worried of, but the contamination or polluting of the environment with waste of different kinds including defecation, untidy class room etc. When there is an outbreak of a disease and drainage blocks, they start blaming the management, government or asking for assistance from well-wishers. Most of the roads in the polytechnic area are littered with trash from the dust-bin in form of sacks and this poses a danger to the environment as a citadel of learning and most importantly to the health of the students as a whole.
Depression and other mental health ailments are conditions that children can get as a result of living in a neglectful home environment, according to the U.S. Administration for Children and Families. A dirty, messy or cluttered home might be overwhelming to some kids, causing them to become aggressive, angry or violent due to the frustration caused by their home environment.
        Therefore, say no to:
Ø inappropriate urination which makes the surrounding sting and foul smelling;
Ø spitting here and there which spoils the environment;
Ø overgrown grasses and unkempt gutters which hides dangerous animals;
Ø Incessant defecation which stings and pollute the environment;
Ø Littering papers, nylons etc. in the class rooms which endangers occupants.

Ø    Ensure that the cleaning tools are easy to handle and will not cause harm to the students and the Polytechnic cleaners.
Ø    Clean dust and mites using a vacuum cleaner with filter focusing on surfaces, bookshelves and floor area.
Ø    Surfaces should be cleaned before disinfecting the surroundings after clearing.
Ø    Refer to the manufacturer’s guide of how to use cleaning tools because it may cause harm if the label is not properly followed.
Ø    Assess which areas are most often touched. High traffic surfaces such as desks, toilet area, departmental parks, library, offices etc. should be disinfected on a regular basis to keep students safe at all times.
Ø    Floors should be vacuumed and washed daily.
Ø    Handle waste properly - your school should have a standard procedures for handling waste, which may include wearing gloves. Place no-touch waste baskets where they are easy to use.
Ø    Pick up any litter that is on the floor.
Ø    Help to wipe the whiteboard after school.
Ø    Arrange the tables and chairs neatly and tidily.
Ø    Make sure there are no books left on classroom tables.
Ø    Be careful not to write on table and the chairs.
Ø    Flush after using the toilet.
Ø    Make sure that there isn't any tissue paper on the floor of the toilet.
Ø    Make sure to wash hands properly with soap after using the toilet and after lunchtime.
Ø    Don’t splash water to the floor as it will make people fall.

There is a wise saying that “cleanliness is next to Godliness”. We need a clean environment so we can live healthy lives and leave future generations a healthy Earth. There have been changes in the environment in every time period but the biggest and most negative changes are happening today. A lot of groups and people are doing everything they can to raise awareness about the importance of a clean environment and to make the environment healthier. Unfortunately, it is still not enough. The only way we are going to achieve a clean environment is if everyone works together to take care of our planet. 
It is believe that this awareness campaigns have fundamental aspects of solving various environmental challenges in the Polytechnic Community as a whole. This is usually done by way of getting messages across to the masses.
This very awareness campaign in the Polytechnic Community is to make a targeted audience aware of an environmental issue, for example a new law about the importance of recycling which aims at stimulating an action among the targeted audience concerning the environmental issue at hand. A classroom can be a breeding ground for germs so it is vital that it is cleaned properly so that germs or bacteria that may cause students ailments such as coughs and colds are killed properly. When you think about it, the surfaces and furniture are touched by learners everyday so daily cleaning is essential.
The Polytechnic Students has also responded to the problem that is currently rendering the Polytechnic inferior by undertaking a number of initiatives which is yet to solved the problem even after the declaration of the Keep Akwapoly Clean Awareness Campaign.

To conclude, a clean environment is essential for human health and well-being. However, the interactions between the environment and human health are highly complex and difficult to assess. This makes the use of the precautionary principle particularly useful.
The executors of the campaign affirmed that knowledge is developed through literacy and education and this can be done through awareness campaigns, knowledge of self, knowledge of society, of the country and of the world, knowledge of good or bad, knowledge of skills and of professions and knowledge of the progress of the world are all obtained through literacy and education campaigns. To be clued-up is the best human virtue and it is education alone that develops this virtue. Therefore, in the absence of education, there is ignorance and illiteracy which not only hold up progress and development but also subject humanity to innumerable dangers of undesirable influence which retard all development and progress. And once the knowledge is developed through literacy and education campaigns, like “Keep Akwapoly Clean”, the Institution as a whole would know how to manage the throwing away of wastes, refuse and even to defecate where not appropriate.

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